Buy BBQ Pulled Pork Pizza and dine it in or take it home! Enjoy a mouthful of pulled pork topped on a thick pizza crust and sprinkled with choice cheese...
Bruschetta is baked bread topped with seasoned diced tomatoes, fresh herbs, and olive oil. This platter can serve 12 - 15 people.
Fresh panini stuffed with our Italian meatballs perfectly made with our secret family recipe. Lightly dusted with freshly grated parmesan and parsley.
Misto's in-house Italian style burger with prosciutto, provolone and rocket greens. Hits the spot when looking for something healthy and delicious at lunch.
Misto lunch box to-go is a complete meal in a box with a panini; a salad which may be a garden salad, Ceasar, pasta, or bean salad; biscotti, and beverage...
Panini served with house made roasted porchetta, a sliced, succulent roasted pork. Grab one today!
Our healthy yogurt bowl is an excellent source of protein for your morning! This delicious breakfast yogurt is topped with granola and fresh fruits. Buy now!